Conference Agents in electronic commerce: Component technologies for automated negotiation and coalition formation 1998 • Proceedings - International Conference on Multi Agent Systems, ICMAS 1998 • 10-11 Sandholm T
Conference Anytime coalition structure generation with worst case guarantees 1998 • Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 46-53 Sandholm T, Larson K, Andersson M, Shehory O, Tohme F
Preprint Anytime Coalition Structure Generation with Worst Case Guarantees 1998 Sandholm T, Larson K, Andersson M, Shehory O, Tohme F
Conference Leveled commitment contracting among myopic individually rational agents 1998 • Proceedings - International Conference on Multi Agent Systems, ICMAS 1998 • 26-33 Anderson MR, Sandholm TW
Conference Leveled commitment contracts with myopic and strategic agents 1998 • Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 38-45 Andersson MR, Sandholm TW
Journal Article Coalitions among computationally bounded agents 1997 • Artificial Intelligence • 94(1-2):99-137 Sandholm TW, Lesser VR
Journal Article Unenforced e-commerce transactions 1997 • IEEE Internet Computing • 1(6):47-54 Sandholm TW
Conference Advantages of a leveled commitment contracting protocol 1996 • Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 1:126-133 Sandholm TW, Lesser VR
Journal Article Multiagent reinforcement learning in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma 1996 • BioSystems • 37(1-2):147-166 Sandholm TW, Crites RH
Conference On multiagent Q-learning in a semi-competitive domain 1996 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 1042:191-205 Sandholm TW, Crites RH
Conference Second order parameter for 3SAT 1996 • Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 1:259-265 Sandholm TW
Conference Exploiting meta-level information in a distributed scheduling system 1994 • Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 1:394-400 Neiman DE, Hildum DW, Lesser VR, Sandholm TW
Conference Implementation of the contract net protocol based on marginal cost calculations 1993 • Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 256-262 Sandholm T
Preprint Combination Treatment Optimization Using a Pan-Cancer Pathway Model 2020.07.05.184960 Schmucker R, Farina G, Faeder J, Fröhlich F, Saglam AS, Sandholm T
Journal Article How Much Data Is Sufficient to Learn High-Performing Algorithms? • Journal of the ACM Balcan M-F, DeBlasio D, Dick T, Kingsford C, Sandholm T, Vitercik E
Preprint Using Machine Learning to Improve Survival Prediction After Heart Transplantation Ayers B, Sandholm T, Gosev I, Prasad S, Kilic A