Publications by <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'views_view_field' --> <!-- 💡 BEGIN CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' --> Tuomas Sandholm <!-- END CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' -->


Making markets and democracy work: A story of incentives and computing

2003 • IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 1649-1671
Sandholm T


Miscomputing Ratio: Social Cost of Selfish Computing

2003 • Proceedings of the Interantional Conference on Autonomous Agents • 2:273-280
Larson K, Sandholm T


Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents: Foreword

2003 • Proceedings of the Interantional Conference on Autonomous Agents • 2:
Rosenschein JS, Wooldridge M, Sandholm T, Yokoo M


Reinforcement learning to play an optimal nash equilibrium in team Markov games

2003 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Wang X, Sandholm T


Solving combinatorial exchanges: Optimality via a few partial bids

2003 • Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce • 236-237
Kothari A, Sandholm T, Suri S


Universal voting protocol tweaks to make manipulation hard

2003 • IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 781-788
Conitzer V, Sandholm T


(Im)possibility of safe exchange mechanism design

2002 • Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 338-344
Sandholm T, Wang XF
Displaying 451 - 475 of 543