Conference Optimistic infra-transaction parallelism on chip multiprocessors 2005 • VLDB 2005 - Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases • 1:73-84 Colohan CB, Ailamaki A, Steffan JG, Mowry TC
Journal Article Programmable matter 2005 • Computer • 38(6):99-101 Goldstein SC, Campbell JD, Mowry TC
Journal Article The STAMPede approach to thread-level speculation 2005 • ACM Transactions on Computer Systems • 23(3):253-300 Steffan JG, Colohan C, Zhai A, Mowry TC
Conference Compiler optimization of memory-resident value communication between speculative threads 2004 • CGO 2004: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CODE GENERATION AND OPTIMIZATION • 39-50 Zhai A, Colohan CB, Steffan JG, Mowry TC
Conference Improving hash join performance through prefetching 2004 • Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering • 116-127 Chen SM, Ailamaki A, Gibbons PB, Mowry TC
Journal Article Compiler optimization of scalar value communication between speculative threads 2002 • Computer architecture news • 30(5):171-183 Zhai A, Colohan CB, Steffan JG, Mowry TC
Conference Compiler optimization of scalar value communication between speculative threads 2002 • ACM Sigplan Notices • 37(10):171-183 Zhai A, Colohan CB, Steffan JG, Mowry TC
Conference Compiler optimization of scalar value communication between speculative threads 2002 • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS • 171-183 Zhai A, Colohan CB, Steffan G, Mowry TC
Conference Compiler optimization of scalar value communication between speculative threads 2002 • Operating Systems Review • 36(5):171-183 Zhai A, Colohan CB, Steffan JG, Mowry TC
Conference Fractal Prefetching B+-Trees: Optimizing Both Cache and Disk Performance 2002 • Proceedings / ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM-Sigmod International Conference on Management of Data • 157-168 Chen S, Gibbons PB, Mowry TC, Valentin G
Conference Improving value communication for thread-level speculation 2002 • IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) • 65-75 Steffan JG, Colohan CB, Zhai A, Mowry TC
Journal Article Architectural and compiler support for effective instruction prefetching: A cooperative approach 2001 • ACM Transactions on Computer Systems • 19(1):71-109 Luk CK, Mowry TC
Journal Article Compiler-based I/O prefetching for out-of-core applications 2001 • ACM Transactions on Computer Systems • 19(2):111-170 Brown AD, Mowry TC, Krieger O
Journal Article Improving index performance through prefetching 2001 • SIGMOD Record • 30(2):235-246 Chen SM, Gibbons PB, Mowry TC
Conference Program chair's message 2001 • Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT Mowry TC, Shen J
Conference A scalable approach to Thread-Level Speculation 2000 • Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture • 1-12 Steffan JG, Colohan CB, Zhai A, Mowry TC
Conference A scalable approach to thread-level speculation 2000 • Proceedings / Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture. International Symposium on Computer Architecture • 1-12 Steffan JG, Colohan CB, Zhai A, Mowry TC
Conference Software-controlled multithreading using informing memory operations 2000 • IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) • 121-132 Mowry TC, Ramkissoon SR
Conference Taming the memory hogs: Using compiler-inserted releases to manage physical memory intelligently 2000 • 4th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, OSDI 2000 Brown AD, Mowry TC
Conference Taming the memory hogs: Using compiler-inserted releases to manage physical memory intelligently 2000 • 4th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, OSDI 2000 Brown AD, Mowry TC
Conference Taming the memory hogs: Using compiler-inserted releases to manage physical memory intelligently 2000 • USENIX ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH SYMPOSIUM ON OPERATING SYSTEMS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION • 31-44 Brown AD, Mowry TC
Journal Article Understanding why correlation profiling improves the predictability of data cache misses in nonnumeric applications 2000 • IEEE transactions on computers • 49(4):369-384 Mowry TC, Luk CK
Journal Article Automatic compiler-inserted prefetching for pointer-based applications 1999 • IEEE transactions on computers • 48(2):134-141 Luk CK, Mowry TC