Publications by <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'views_view_field' --> <!-- 💡 BEGIN CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' --> Garth Gibson <!-- END CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' -->


Structured approach to redundant disk array implementation

1996 • Proceedings -IEEE International Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, IPDS • 11-20
Courtright WV, Gibson G, Holland M, Zelenka J

Journal Article

Parity-logging disk arrays

1995 • CMG Transactions • 65-84
Stodolsky D, Holland M, Courtright WV, Gibson GA

Journal Article

RAID: High-performance, reliable secondary storage

1995 • CMG Transactions • 21-51
Chen PM, Lee EK, Gibson GA, Katz RH, Patterson DA


The scotch parallel storage systems

1995 • Digest of Papers - COMPCON - IEEE Computer Society International Conference • 403-410
Gibson GA, Stodolsky D, Chang FW, Courtright WV, Demetriou CG, Ginting E, Holland M, Ma Q, Neal LA, Patterson RH, Su J, Youssef R, Zelenka J


Backward error recovery in redundant disk arrays

1994 • CMG Proceedings • 1:63-74
Courtright WV, Gibson GA


Exposing I/O concurrency with informed prefetching

1994 • Parallel and Distributed Information Systems - Proceedings of the International Conference • 7-16
Patterson RH, Gibson GA


RAID-II: A high-bandwidth network file server

1994 • Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture • 234-244
Drapeau AL, Shirriff KW, Hartman JH, Miller EL, Seshan S, Katz RH, Lutz K, Patterson DA, Lee EK, Chen PM, Gibson GA


How reliable is a RAID?.

1989 • Digest of Papers - IEEE Computer Society International Conference • 118-123
Schulze M, Gibson G, Katz R, Patterson DA
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