Gates/Pausch Bridge

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Four SCS Students Named Facebook Fellows

by Byron Spice | Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Four Ph.D. candidates in the School of Computer Science are among 36 outstanding students in computer science and engineering from 16 universities who have been named 2020 recipients of the Facebook Fellowship Program.

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Harlene Samra Earns Inaugural Krulcik Scholarship

by Susie Cribbs | Monday, December 23, 2019

School of Computer Science junior Harlene Samra has so many doubts about whether she belongs in SCS that she's slapped an "imposter" sticker on her laptop. After all, when other people are pulling all-nighters, she's keeping a healthy sleep schedule. She binges TV shows. She works all weekend on assignments that might take someone else all of two hours.

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Kolter’s Team Wins First Place on Kaggle Competition with Over 2700 Teams

by Roberto Iriondo | Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The team of researchers was composed of Zico Kolter, Shaojie Bai, Devin Wilmott, Mordechai Kornbluth, and Jonathan Mailoa, who won a Kaggle competition onPredicting Molecular Properties this past September.

Shaojie Bai, a doctoral student with the Machine Learning Department and team member, said the team completed the project during an internship at the Bosch Center for AI (BCAI).

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Seshan Named 2019 ACM Fellow

by Byron Spice | Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has named Srinivasan Seshan, professor and head of the Computer Science Department, one of 58 new ACM fellows who are being honored for fundamental contributions in such areas as artificial intelligence, cloud computing and wireless networking.

The ACM cited Seshan "for contributions to computer networking, mobile computing and wireless communications."

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SCS Announces Dissertation Award Winners, ACM Nominees

by Susie Cribbs | Monday, December 9, 2019

The School of Computer Science has announced that Carlo Angiuli, who recently earned his Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department, has received the 2018-2019 SCS Dissertation Award. Presented annually, the award recognizes outstanding work by an SCS graduate student and includes a cash prize and distinguished lectures by the recipient.

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Ding Earns 2019 Stehlik Scholarship

by Susie Cribbs | Monday, December 2, 2019

School of Computer Science senior Wenxin (Freda) Ding always dreamed of being a teacher. And while she's majoring in computer science and math — not teaching — her dedication to helping others ranks high among the reasons she's earned the 2019 Mark Stehlik SCS Alumni Undergraduate Impact Scholarship.

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CMU Researchers Propose New Rules for Internet Fairness

by Daniel Tkacik | Friday, November 15, 2019

Just weeks after a team of Carnegie Mellon researchers demonstrated that Google's new congestion control algorithm (CCA) gives an unfair advantage to its own traffic, the same team has proposed new guidelines for how future algorithms should be developed.

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CMU Women Prominent Among Rising Stars 2019

Annual Workshop Boosts Women in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering

by Byron Spice | Friday, November 8, 2019

Women from Carnegie Mellon University outnumbered those from every other institution at Rising Stars 2019, an annual workshop for early career women in computer science and electrical and computer engineering. They also won two of the four prizes in the workshop's Research Pitch Competition.

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ACM Names Tom Cortina as Distinguished Member

by Byron Spice | Monday, November 4, 2019

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has named Thomas Cortina, teaching professor in the Computer Science Department and assistant dean for undergraduate education in the School of Computer Science, one of 62 computer scientists worldwide to be recognized this year as Distinguished Members for their outstanding contributions.

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Google Supports CMU Outreach to Women Computer Scientists

Grant Program Inspired by Success of SCS's Pioneering OurCS Workshop

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The School of Computer Science's OurCS research-focused workshop for undergraduate women considering graduate studies in computer science is among the recipients of this year's Google exploreCSR grants, which were inspired, in turn, by the success of OurCS.

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SCS Students Named 2020 Siebel Scholars

by Virginia Alvino Young | Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Six Carnegie Mellon University students — five of them from the School of Computer Science — have been named 2020 Siebel Scholars, a highly competitive award that supports top graduate students in the fields of business, computer science, energy science and bioengineering.

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CMU Computer Science Academy Releases New Curriculum

Free Coursework Suitable for After-School Programs, Summer Camps, Middle Schools

by Byron Spice | Monday, September 16, 2019

Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Science Academy has released a new version of its free online curriculum for teaching high school computer programming that's tailored for use in after-school programs, summer camps or middle schools.

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Beckmann Earns NSF Early CAREER Award

by Virginia Alvino Young | Thursday, September 12, 2019

Nathan Beckmann, an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department, has received a five-year, roughly $500,000 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, the National Science Foundation's most prestigious award for young faculty members.

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Study Shows Apps Are Rife With Privacy Compliance Issues

by Daniel Tkacik | Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Android users can choose from more than 2.7 million apps in the Google Play Store — a daunting number for a privacy researcher who wants to investigate if those apps comply with privacy laws.

But fear not, privacy researchers. There's a new tool in town, and it's revealed some eye-opening data about the state of privacy for Android apps.

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Carnegie Mellon Team Flexes Hacking Prowess, Wins Fifth DefCon Title

by Daniel Tkacik | Monday, August 12, 2019

Carnegie Mellon University’s competitive hacking team, the Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP), just won its fifth hacking world championship in seven years at this year’s DefCon security conference, widely considered the “World Cup” of hacking. The championship, played in the form of a virtual game of ''capture the flag,'' was held August 8-11 in Las Vegas.

PPP now holds two more DefCon titles than any other team in the 23-year history of DefCon hosting the competition.

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Hebert Named Dean of Carnegie Mellon's Top-Ranked School of Computer Science

Acclaimed Computer Scientist and AI Researcher Has Led Robotics Institute Since 2014

by Byron Spice | Thursday, August 8, 2019

Martial Hebert, a leading researcher in computer vision and robotics, has been named dean of Carnegie Mellon University's world-renowned School of Computer Science (SCS), effective August 15.

Hebert, director of the Robotics Institute in SCS since 2014, will lead a school with more than 270 faculty members and approximately 2,300 students. He has been a CMU faculty member for the last 35 years.

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Procaccia Wins Social Choice and Welfare Prize

by Virginia Alvino Young | Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ariel Procaccia, an associate professor in the Computer Science Department, has been awarded the 2020 Social Choice and Welfare Prize for his work on social choice and fair division.

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Carnegie Mellon and Facebook AI Beats Professionals in Six-Player Poker

"Superhuman" Card Shark Achieves New AI Milestone

by Jason Maderer and Virginia Alvino Young | Thursday, July 11, 2019

An artificial intelligence program developed by Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with Facebook AI has defeated leading professionals in six-player No-Limit Texas Hold'em, the world's most popular form of poker.

The AI, called Pluribus, defeated poker professional Darren Elias, who holds the record for most World Poker Tour titles; and Chris "Jesus" Ferguson, winner of six World Series of Poker events. Each pro separately played 5,000 hands of poker against five copies of Pluribus.

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Noam Brown Named MIT Technology Review 2019 Innovator Under 35

Computer Science Ph.D. Student Cited for AI That Beat Poker Pros

by Byron Spice | Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Noam Brown, a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department who helped develop an artificial intelligence that bested professional poker players, has been named to MIT Technology Review's prestigious annual list of Innovators Under 35 in the Visionary category.

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Maxion Wins DSN Test of Time Award

by Byron Spice | Monday, June 10, 2019

Roy Maxion, research professor in the Computer Science and Machine Learning departments, will receive the 2019 Test of Time Award at the IEEE/International Federation for Information Processing Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2019), held June 24–27 in Portland, Oregon.

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Hoffmann Receives NSF CAREER Award

by Byron Spice | Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Jan Hoffmann, an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department, has received a five-year, $519,000 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, the National Science Foundation's most prestigious award for young faculty members.

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New Technology Improves Cloud Computing

by Daniel Tkacik | Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Cloud computing has enabled huge triumphs in big data, from searching the web in a millisecond to decoding the human genome. But to keep cloud servers running smoothly, developers have applied different techniques to minimize disrupting their central processing units (CPUs) — techniques that don't often work together.

Thanks to a team of computer science researchers, that's all changed.

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